Dr. Andre Goy to Participate in Live COVID-19 and Cancer Care Webcast: What Oncologists Need to Know Today

The novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection is rapidly becoming one of the most challenging public health crises in modern history. With nearly 1.3 million cases confirmed worldwide, including nearly 340,000 cases in the United States (as of April 6, 2020), this virus has the potential to infect people of all ages.

However, older individuals and those with underlying health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pulmonary disorders, seem to be the most vulnerable to infection and to developing more severe illness. Patients with cancer must also be considered in this vulnerable and high-risk population.

But how is this pandemic specifically affecting cancer care, and what do clinicians need to know today to ensure they are providing the best care to their patients with cancer?

This webcast is the fourth in a regularly occurring series, held each Monday at 8 PM EDT, featuring new experts each week.

Participate in this ongoing live webcast series on Monday, April 13, at 8:00 p.m. EST. and join the discussion on this fast-moving topic.

Register for webcast.