Integrative Care Attacks Cancer Through a Multifaceted Approach

Battling cancer takes its toll on the body and the mind, putting the patient and his or her caregivers through what can seem like insurmountable challenges. The cancer specialists at RCCA work tirelessly to provide every possible means of treatment and support to help you overcome those challenges and stay determined to beat cancer.

Through integrative care, our doctors, nurses and specialists offer treatment options designed to ease the physical and psychological burdens of cancer care, and ultimately maximize your outcome.

Integrative care involves combining medical treatments for cancer with therapies to help combat the symptoms and side effects.

Medical treatments include:

Our integration of ancillary and supportive therapies can help you cope with pain, fatigue, anxiety and other side effects of cancer and its treatment. These therapies do not treat cancer, but your doctor may recommend them along with medical treatments.

Supportive therapies include:

  • Physical activity – Activity and exercise are fundamental to good health… and have been shown through research to help cancer patients improve physical function and quality of life.
  • Yoga – Through gentle, therapeutic stretching, poses and breathing exercises, many patients get much needed relief from fatigue and muscle pain.
  • Spiritual support – If your faith is your guide, nurturing it may help you cope with the spiritual and emotional challenges that come with cancer. At RCCA, we strive to provide universal spiritual support for you and your caregivers.
  • Nutrition counseling – Learning how to fuel your body and mind with foods rich in vitamins, nutrients and, yes, taste can help you take charge of your care.
  • Massage therapy – Can help relieve aches, pains and stress so you can stay focused of the more difficult aspects of cancer care.

Integrative care is a vital part of RCCA’s “whole person” philosophy of care. We strive to provide you with every available, proven therapy to maximize your treatment outcome, your physical comfort and your mental and spiritual health.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (844) 346-7222. You can also schedule an appointment by calling the RCCA location nearest you.