Treating Cancer With Surgery

While the thought of surgery might seem frightening, it remains one of the most effective methods for diagnosing and treating cancer today. At Regional Cancer Care Associates (RCCA), our healthcare team is highly experienced at recommending and performing surgery for many types of cancer, including breast, colon, lung, prostate and more.

Surgeons Performing Surgery

Types of Cancer Surgery

When you think of cancer surgery, you might imagine a surgeon using a scalpel to remove the tumor. While that does happen in certain surgical settings, there are many other types of cancer surgery, too. Over the years, new innovations have helped develop surgery into one of the most practiced and advanced options available.

Depending on the location and stage of your cancer – along with several other factors – your doctor may recommend any of the following:

  • Preventative – The removal of precancerous or other at-risk tissue before it develops into cancer, such as skin moles or colon polyps.
  • Diagnostic – Also known as a biopsy, this surgery is used to remove suspicious cells and tissue samples. They are then examined to help determine a cancer diagnosis.
  • Staging – To help guide the treatment plan, staging allows doctors to see how much cancer is present and where it has spread. They’ll also examine nearby lymph nodes and organs.
  • Curative – In the early stages of some cancers, doctors may be able to remove all of the malignant cells from a patient’s body. Curative surgery is often used in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiation.
  • Debulking – To prevent damage to nearby organs and tissues, sometimes, only a portion of the tumor will be removed. This makes it easier to treat the remaining cancerous cells with chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Palliative – Designed to alleviate pain and manage other symptoms, this is sometimes done when no other treatment options are available as part of a patient’s palliative care.
  • Supportive – Offering a convenient way to deliver cancer treatment, supportive surgery helps make care easier for the doctor and for you. This may involve inserting devices under the skin to provide better access to your bloodstream, for example.
  • Restorative – As a result of cancer surgery and treatment, your body’s physical appearance and function may be affected. Reconstructive procedures can help restore normalcy.

Learn More About Surgery at RCCA

Through the strength and scope of the RCCA oncology physician network, we partner with some of the most trusted, experienced and highly capable surgeons throughout New Jersey, Maryland and Connecticut. We will connect you with a local, top-rated surgeon who shares our dedication for meticulous coordination of care.

Contact your local RCCA office to schedule an appointment or to learn more information about cancer surgery.