Bladder Cancer Trends In Montgomery and Prince George’s counties: Welcome News – And 3 Facts You Need To Know

A recent article on, titled “Bladder cancer trends in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties: Welcome news – and 3 facts you need to know” highlights the expertise of RCCA’s own Dr. Ralph V. Boccia. According to the board-certified hematologist and medical oncologist, there are three main facts to keep in mind about bladder cancer.

  1. 1. Smoking is a major risk factor, but it is modifiable, and ceasing to smoke can reduce cancer risk.
  2. 2. Risk varies by sex and racial/ethnic background, with men and non-Hispanic whites facing the highest cancer risk.
  3. 3. Common symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in the urine, needing to urinate more often than usual, and lower back pain on one side.

Keeping these three facts in mind can reduce the incidence of bladder cancer by leading to lifestyle changes and early diagnosis. Thanks to similar efforts, the number of new cases of bladder cancer in Montgomery and Prince George counties did not increase between 2009 and 2013, and the number of deaths from bladder cancer declined in Prince George County during that time.

To learn more about Dr. Boccia and bladder cancer in Montgomery and Prince George counties, please refer to the full article.