The Importance of Healthy Eating After a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the doctors at Regional Cancer Care Associates will take charge of your treatment plan, which usually involves medications, therapies, and surgeries. But there is one part of treatment that you can take charge of: your diet.

While changing your diet won’t cure cancer, it may help in other ways. Be sure to talk to your doctor about specific foods and supplements you should be taking to help boost your health. In the meantime, here are some of the top recommended foods – and foods to avoid – for patients with prostate cancer.

Recommended Foods for Patients with Prostate Cancer

Research suggests that eating a lot of red meat and saturated fat may increase a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Some doctors believe that continuing to eat these foods after diagnosis might cause the cancer to progress faster. As such, many medical experts recommend a plant-based diet, and findings from various studies support this notion. A plant-based diet may slow the cancer’s growth and progression, which can improve the patient’s outcome.

What does a plant-based diet look like for men with prostate cancer? In general, it consists of more vegetables, fruit, and soy. Therefore, Regional Cancer Care Associates suggests eating more:

  • Fish: Instead of consuming red meat, like steak and burgers, switch to fish, such as salmon and trout. Fish also offers many nutritional benefits, including important omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Fruits: Fruit, nuts, and seeds are also a healthy addition to the diet and serve as an ideal alternative to unhealthy snacks like chips and candy.
  • Vegetables: Incorporate more servings of vegetables into your daily routine, especially leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is believed to have anti-cancer effects. Vegetables are rich in antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, etc.), which are protective agents that help stop the DNA-damaging (and cancer-causing) effects of free radicals.

We also urge patients with prostate cancer to eat less:

  • Red meat and processed meats
  • Foods high in animal fat, including dairy products
  • Fried and baked foods

Additional Diet Tips

As cancer treatment begins, the main takeaway is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Some forms of treatment, such as chemotherapy, can take a toll on your body, so it’s important to eat nutrient-rich meals to help keep yourself strong, healthy, and ready to fight back.

Obesity also can complicate treatment for some men. If you are overweight, consider making conscious diet and lifestyle choices to help manage weight. Men who have a healthy body weight tend to respond better to cancer treatment, but remember that every patient is different. Before making any changes to your diet or starting any supplements, talk to your doctor. He or she may be able to recommend a more personalized plan catered to your individual health and needs.

Turn to RCCA for Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

From nutritional advice on the best foods for prostate cancer to advanced medications and therapies, Regional Cancer Care Associates offers a holistic approach to treating men with prostate cancer. Our doctors and staff deliver comprehensive care to support all facets of your health as you begin your treatment journey. Not yet a patient at Regional Cancer Care Associates? Contact the office nearest you in Connecticut, Maryland, or New Jersey today to get started.