Realities of Living with Prostate Cancer

When you’re diagnosed with prostate cancer, life can start changing very rapidly. There will be new physical and emotional burdens you never thought you’d have to go through. But even though the fight against this disease will not be easy for you or your loved ones, you’ll still be able to find enjoyment in the things you love. If you were recently diagnosed, reach out to Regional Cancer Care Associates for resources that can help you cope with your new normal.

Emotional Changes from Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can cause you to feel a lot of tough emotions. You might feel anxious, depressed, scared and stressed. You’ll also be given a lot of new information and paperwork to deal with that might be confusing or overwhelming. And as symptoms of the disease itself progress, such as trouble urinating and sexual dysfunction, you might start experiencing issues with self-esteem and self-worth.

All of these feelings are normal for prostate cancer patients, but know that there are ways to cope. With your loved ones and your RCCA care team there to support you, you can get through these issues and face those tough decisions together. Because for all the difficult times that are to come, there will be just as many happy times with the ones you love.

Physical Changes from Prostate Cancer

Because of prostate cancer, you might start to notice some physical changes happening to your body. Not only will the side effects of treatment affect you, but problems with urination, erectile dysfunction and a loss of sex drive can significantly impact your life. Some patients start wearing padded underwear and seek relationship counseling and medical advice to help deal with some of these issues.

While many patients can still work while living with prostate cancer, you will probably have to miss some days or take a leave of absence at some point. Between regular doctor’s visits and treatment regimens, it might become difficult to continue working. For financial help, some patients apply for Social Security Disability benefits or seek out other resources.

RCCA Cares

Throughout your journey with prostate cancer, Regional Cancer Care Associates is here to help every step of the way. Schedule an appointment at your local office, and talk to your doctor about treatment options and resources that can help ease some of the burdens of living with prostate cancer.