Mental Health Concerns After a Colon Cancer Diagnosis

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 100,000 cases of colon cancer are diagnosed each year. With so many Americans affected by this disease each year, researchers have sought to learn more about its effects. By taking a more holistic approach, they have recently learned that colon cancer can have negative mental health effects, even … Continued

Managing and Monitoring Immunotherapy Side Effects

Immunotherapy – the use of medications that improve the immune system’s response to cancer cells – continues to evolve as a go-to treatment option for cancer. Immunotherapy can be administered in several formulations, including cancer vaccines, immune checkpoint inhibitors, T cell therapy, and more. However, immunotherapy sometimes causes the body to attack healthy cells, so … Continued

RCCA Collects Toys for the Howell Police Department

The RCCA Howell, NJ division has had another great year collecting for the Howell Police Department Adopt a Family program. Under the supervision of Dr. Kenneth Nahum, the staff did an amazing job of collecting for two local families!

3 Nuances of Early Breast Cancer Detection

When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is the key to a higher chance of a positive outcome. According to data from the National Cancer Institute, women with localized breast cancer have a five-year survival rate of 99% – something the doctors at Regional Cancer Care Associates (RCCA) credit to proactive steps women can … Continued

Dr. Andre Goy Wins Educator of the Year Award

Dr. Andre Goy,  Chief Science Officer and Director of Research and Innovation for Regional Cancer Care Associates, won the 2019 Educator of the Year award during the 37th Annual Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow® meeting. The ceremony took place Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the New York Marriott Marquis in New York City. … Continued

The Emotional Effects of Having a Mastectomy

Breast cancer is prevalent in the United States, so many women will undergo a single or double mastectomy in their lifetime. If you are one of them, you already know that having a mastectomy will give you the best chance of a positive outcome. However, preparing for your procedure and getting used to your body … Continued

5 Factors to Consider When Deciding Where to Receive Cancer Care

As medicine continues to evolve, those who have been diagnosed with cancer have more treatment options than ever. But after learning their diagnosis, patients must keep in mind that no two cancer care providers are the same. In fact, where they choose to receive treatment could impact their road to recovery. As this decision is … Continued

Lung Cancer Differences in Non-Smokers

You don’t smoke, and you’ve never smoked in your life – but you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer. How did this happen? How is it possible? It’s more common than you might think, and many patients treated for lung cancer at Regional Cancer Care Associates have never smoked. Roughly 15% of all lung cancer diagnoses … Continued

Early detection of breast cancer: RCCA oncologists explain 3 nuances you need to know

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the likelihood of survival. It is a straightforward concept, one that is supported by the evidence and that makes sense intuitively. Indeed, Joel Silver, MD, notes that the latest statistics from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) show that the five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with localized … Continued

Is a Clinical Trial is Right for You? How to Decide

Deciding whether to participate in a clinical trial can be difficult, even if your oncologist recommends it. Ultimately, it’s your decision, and that can feel like a heavy burden with the many questions that may arise: “What will the investigators do to me? Do I really need this treatment? Will it make me sicker? Will … Continued